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Selfie + Drone = Dronie --- Epic Dronies in Veracruz Mexico

Alex Chacón, the creator of the “Most Epic Selfie Video of 2014”, has taken the selfie game to a whole new level. He traveled to Veracruz to combine his passion for selfies and drones creating a unique and amazing road-trip video shot entirely on a drone. The “dronie” concept combines a selfie in motion captured by a drone (quadcopter)! Come on board and watch him explore the majestic land of Veracruz from a whole new perspective! Alex Chacón, creador de "Video Selfie más épico de 2014", ha llevado las selfies a otro nivel. Ha viajado a Veracruz para combinar su pasión por las selfies y los drones, creando así el primer road-trip enteramente grabado con "dronies". El concepto de "dronie" es una selfie en movimiento capturada por un drone (cuadricóptero)! Sube a bordo y explora con él las majestuosas tierras de Veracruz desde otro punto de vista! Big thanks to all those who helped to make possible the amazing adventure of #droniesdeveracruz:

About the Alex

I'm a photographer and videographer that creates compelling and inspirational travel content. I"m always out somewhere having an adventure.

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